positive intelligence coaching

Transform Yourself as a Leader, Empower Your Team, and Redefine Success in Business & Life

Unlock Individual Potential & Elevate Team Culture

Let's redefine the executive coaching experience by delving deep into the core of leadership excellence. Together we'll go beyond the surface-level strategies and use comprehensive mental & emotional fitness exercises to unlock the hidden potential within both individuals and teams. Our transformative approach doesn't just scratch the surface; it's a journey that uncovers the root causes of challenges, fostering enduring growth for organizations.

Deeper Insights,
Lasting Impacts

Together, we’ll harness the power of positive intelligence to navigate deep complexities and unveil hidden barriers, ushering in profound and enduring change.

coaching certification programs

Team Synergy Through
Individual Growth

Elevate your team dynamic by empowering each member. Our coaching transcends individual improvement. By focusing on individual growth we foster a healthier collective culture. 

positive intelligence program

More Than
Leadership Training

This isn’t your usual executive leadership training. When we learn how to show up as healthier individuals it profoundly impacts everything in our lives including how we perform as a team.

"This Process allowed a safe place and permission for the team to lean into how relationships and states of being can expand us as humans. It gave the team the tools to identify the areas from within or down under that were blocking their ability to move through tough relationships or enhance current relationships."

Clay Cooper
President of REYCO Systems

Let’s Get You & Your Team Thriving

Is the prevailing belief in your leadership circle that every team encounters issues and it's just an unavoidable part of business? Perhaps you've come to accept the challenges as the norm, not realizing the untapped potential for optimization within your team.

It's a common misconception, but here's the revelation: your team doesn't have to settle for the status quo. Through our programs, we challenge the notion that team issues are an inescapable part of the corporate landscape. By delving into deeper issues, addressing the root causes, and optimizing team dynamics, we transform the ordinary into the extraordinary.

Feeling stuck in your personal or professional life, but don't know why? Do you sometimes feel like you're in your own way?

If so, you're not alone. Many of us have unconscious thoughts and behaviors that can hold us back from achieving our goals and living the life we desire. But here's the good news: you're not broken, and there's nothing wrong with you. You just need the right tools to support you in understanding the root causes of your behavior, and uncover the unconscious thoughts that may be driving it.

coaching and personal development training

Your Guide Along the Path to Real Growth

At Krystal Shada Inc. we help leaders & teams function at a higher level through positive & emotional intelligence. In Krystal’s 30+ years of coaching and personal development training, she has seen time and again how a lack of team synergy and individual development can lead to issues that trickle down throughout an entire organization. The truth is, teams often struggle due to their lack of true understanding of their team members and even of themselves. In our programs, we accelerate years of personal and team development in a matter of days, ensuring a transformative experience that will redefine your company culture for good.

Are you ready to evolve as a leader, optimize your team, and reach new levels of success?